I am pregnant with my first child and heard that it used to be commonplace to receive an enema before delivery. Is this still practiced? What was the purpose of the enema (not literally!!)?
| KG - September 10 |
As far as I know this is no longer practised - it was used to empty the bowels before delivery - however, this tends to happen naturally anyway.
| KM - November 19 |
its so you dont poop on the deilvery table, to be blunt lol. Its sometimes still used with induction, because when you ar einduced your body doesnt get to go through the natural pre-labour stages and one of these stages is clearing your bowels
I have had to girls so far...with my first I went naturally...no enema...with my second I was induced...no enema...but like they said enema's in labor are for the same reason they would give them otherwise...and they dont want to clean up the mess....you do not have to have one...that is what they get paid the big bucks for...lol