Anyone S Medical Induction Failed
4 Replies
i'm 40 wks. i have been dilated 1-2 cm for two weeks, but i am less than 50% effaced. doc just told me today that he wass thinking about inducing me on either thursday or sunday. he also told me that there was a chance that it might not work. this is my 2nd baby. with the first, my water broke, i went to the hospital, still was not dilated so they started the pitocin. 24 hours later with a temp around 104, i finally delivered. i was cooking my son. he had a temp of 101.6. luckily i was the only one with an infection, but this talk of induction is making me nervous. my body does not seem to want to cooperate with the whole labor/delivery process. i am SO miserable right now, but i am terrified that i am going to go in to be induced and come home STILL pregnant. any thoughts?
I don't blame you for being nervous. Maybe you should question your doctor more. I've heard you should ask what your bishop score is because if it's not at least a 6, your chances of succeeding in an induction are slim. But if there's a chance it'll work, wouldn't you love to be done already with your baby safely delivered? I'm being induced on Monday. I have the same nervous about it going well. But my dr seems positive that I'm a good candidate for it. I am 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Good luck!
I meant you should question your dr more if he thinks it might not work. Like question how much of a chance and all that. : )
w/ my first (2 yrs old now) i was induced at 40+5. I was 3.5 cm and 80% effaced. my baby was big- wound up being 8lbs 13 oz and i'm only 5'1" so they wanted to induce. i went to the hosp because i had back labor soooo bad. he was posterior and causing all that pain! i never established a good contraction pattern. they induced me w/ pitocin and it didn't regulate anything. just made the constant back labor worse. after being on pitcoin for 17 hours i developed an infection and fever of 104 also. i had only made it to 6.5cm to they decided to do emergency C. i'm due tomorrow w/ my 2nd and trying for a vbac. if he doesn't come by 42 weeks i'm automatic c-section. at least i know i won't have to be induced again :-)
my induction is tomorrow. my bishop score was a 2 last monday. we'll definitely hope it's better tomorrow. been having contractions again, but it's not like they've done much good until now. had the last baby at 40+4, he was 8lbs 13oz, 22in. i'll be 41 with this one, oh lord how big is HE gonna be??? ok, gotta just tell myself, "think happy thoughts...."