Plan B And A Weird Period
2 Replies
so i had unprotected genital contact without penetration or any ejaculation on the 25th day of a 31/32day cycle within 120 hour of risk took plan period was a few days late and it lasted 4 days with a somewhat lighter period and the last two days were a brownish discharge... i took a HPT test on the last day of the "period" and it was neg.. how accurate was the test and what do you think are my worries over???
Considering how low the risk if of you being pregnant in the first place, and you've had a period, it's most likely correct.
I agree, there was very little exposure if any at all to sperm in the first place and you had a period. I think you are fine and probably just paranoid. The plan B must have messed with you a little, but I am sure you can relax, try a condom next time or abstain.