Development Week 18

Sleeping may start beginning to be uncomfortable now that you are 18 weeks pregnant. You may want to try using pillows to prop yourself up and find a comfortable sleeping position. This week is a good week to begin your search for a pediatrician or other health care provider for your child. Schedule visits to meet with potential doctors to discuss issues such as appointment availability, immunization scheduling and when to call in an emergency.

Baby Changes
Your baby will now be about 5.6 inches (14.2cm) in length and nearly 7 ounces (190 grams) in weight. The bones are still hardening and the finger prints will begin forming shortly as the finger and toe pads are now formed. The bones of the inner ear and the nerve endings from the brain have developed enough so that your baby will hear sounds such as your heartbeat and blood moving through the umbilical cord. She may even be startled by loud noises. Your baby's eyes are developing, too - the retinas may be able to detect the beam of a flashlight if you hold it to your uterus. Your baby is also now able to swallow and she may swallow up to a liter of amniotic fluid throughout the day.

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