Your Baby's Development:
Week 9
Your baby is now between 0.9 to 1.2 inches (22 to 30 millimeters) and weighs around 0.14 ounces (4 grams). Your baby's elbows should also be fully developed by now, as are the toe rays. The gonads should have completed their growth into either testes or ovaries.
Your Baby's Head is Growing
The tail which was at the bottom of your baby's spinal cord has shrunk and has almost disappeared by this week. However, your baby's head has been growing - it's now very large compared with the rest of the body and it curves onto the chest.
Early Signs of Pregnancy As the baby's muscles start to develop, she can start to move around a bit. Meanwhile, baby's bones will continue to harden. Since you are now nine weeks pregnant, you may start to feel some early pregnancy signs. These include nausea or morning sickness, fatigue and dizziness.
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As I feel bloated I feel pains on my abdomen.For my 1st baby I only felt this pain when I was stressed.
Hello friends,it's good to be back.I just tested positive last week thursday that I am pregnant and strangely I feel bloated every now and then like now.My gets big like,you can see from my dress that I'm pregnant.Is this okay.This is my 2nd baby.