Your Baby's Development: Week 14

Week 14
Now that you are 14 weeks pregnant, amazing things are happening between your baby and the amniotic fluid. This week, your baby has begun to urinate into the amniotic fluid. This means the amniotic fluid has to replenish itself about every three hours. For this reason, it’s vital that you drink lots of fluids to ensure a clean and happy womb. Your baby’s lungs are also ‘working’—they are ‘breathing’ in the amniotic fluid.

Pregnancy Tip

Now that you are officially in your second trimester, get things off to a proper start by taking designed just for this stage. Those supplements from Biotegrity are made with increased levels of iron, calcium, B vitamins and vitamins A and C, all of which promote your baby's healthy development.

Baby Has Eyebrows Now!
Baby's hair is sprouting on the head, including fine little eyebrows. Lanugo, that fine, dark hair that grows all over your baby’s body in order to protect the skin, also starts to grow this week. Lanugo will continue growing until just prior to delivery.

There are alo some reproductive developments taking place in your womb. For those who are pregnant with boys, the prostate gland is developing; while for those who are having girls, the ovaries are descending down from the abdomen and into the pelvis. And, hormone production starts because the thyroid gland has now matured.

The Second Trimester Begins
Congratulations — now you have made it into the second trimester! You may notice some changes in your body and these are due to hormonal changes; your nipples may be darker and larger and a dark line, called the linea negra, may run from your belly button right to your pelvic bone. At this stage of pregnancy, your uterus will be about the size of a grapefruit.

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