Your Baby's Development: Week 36

Week 36
You are now 36 weeks pregnant. Your baby's face is quite full looking; baby now has fat on the her cheeks as well as powerful sucking muscles. Baby is now approximately 5.78lbs (2622gm).

Now that you have one month left until delivery, you may want to consider taking a tour of your chosen hospital's birth facilities. Other things that women busy themselves with in thse last few weeks is organizing and putting the final decorating touches on the baby's nursery and making sure that your nursery is safe and secure for the new baby.

Your baby could drop into the birth canal at any time now, so be sure you have your hospital bags packed and ready by the front door. For suggestions, consult our list detailing what to take to the hospital.

You will probably start visiting your doctor or health care provider every week from now on. Your midwife or doctor may decide to give you an internal exam to find out if either cervical effacement (the thinning of your cervix) or dilation (this is the opening of your cervix) has begun.

At this time, the baby may drop into your pelvis as a preparation for labor. This is also known as lightening or engagement. Once this happens, your appetite will return. This is because your baby's position is lower, and there is less pressure on your intestines and your stomach. If you have had heartburn during your pregnancy, you may notice it is less bothersome now.

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