Your Baby's Development Week 34

Week 34
You are 34 weeks pregnant. Your baby's fingernails are now at the end of the fingers already and you may find that they will have to be clipped in the first few days after birth. Because her immune system is already functioning well, she may be able to fight a mild infection. The immune system, however, is not yet equipped to fight off major infection.

Maternal calcium intake is extremely important during pregnancy because during the pregnancy, the baby will draw calcium from the mother to make and harden bone. If a pregnant woman doesn't get enough calcium during pregnancy, it can greatly weaken her own bones and teeth because the developing fetus will take minerals from the mother's skeletal structure as needed.

Meanwhile, your baby's adrenal glands have grown and are producing hormones that stimulate lactation. The vernix coating on the baby's skin is becoming thicker, whereas lanugo hair is almost completely gone. Babies born at 34 weeks usually have fairly well-developed lungs, and their average size of 5 pounds (2250 grams) and 17.7 inches (45 centimeters) allows them to survive outside the womb without extensive medical intervention, although oxygen might be needed for a few days.

Fatigue is a common complaint of late pregnancy. Many variables contribute to this exhaustion: difficulty sleeping, aches and pains, weight gain, and anxiety about labor, delivery and carrying for your newborn. Rest as much as you can and take naps if possible.

Braxton Hicks contractions may start to increase now as you near delivery.

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